Postal Mail between Cuba and US permanently established
A recent agreement between Cuba and the United States marks the restoration of postal mail exchange between both countries permanently via direct flights.
The service allows postal deliveries of correspondence, postal parcels and express courier, through the US Postal Service and Correos de Cuba.
The announcement of Cuba Post indicates that the decision was adopted more than one year after the implementation of a Pilot Plan to facilitate direct exchange between the two nations, as announced in March 2016.
According to the Correos de Cuba Business Group and the United States Postal Service, the execution of the service in its current format began on April 16, 2018 and takes into account the technical, operational and security requirements identified by the parties during the execution of the Pilot Plan.
Through the Correos de Cuba website, interested persons can obtain all the information they require about services, rates and regulations, notes the Institutional Communication Department of the entity. The possibility to track shipments is also available.