OECS People Summit to Feature Caribbean Titan: Lisa Hanna
Join us for this inspirational FREE Virtual Event on Thursday, July 29!
Monday, July 19, 2021 — The inaugural People Summit 2021, scheduled to be held on July 29th 2021, will feature The Honourable Lisa Hanna among global leaders who mastered the art of leading their nations, regions and corporations to unprecedented success.
At the heart of Lisa Hanna’s Journey to Titan, has been decades of commitment and service; to country and community – commitment above self.
Continue your journey with Lisa and the other Titans at the inaugural OECS People Summit on July 29th, 2021.
Register today at www.oecspeoplesummit.vfairs.com

About the Sustainable Development Movement:
The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States conceptualised and hosted the inaugural OECS Sustainable Development Movement (SDM) Summit in September 2020 under the theme: Create. Innovate. Deliver. Sustain. The Summit, the first and largest event of its type in the region, created a space where leaders from around the world converged to have dialogue about and agitate action towards innovative sustainable development and growth.
SDM2020 created new channels of cooperation and laid the foundation for strong multi-stakeholder partnerships involving Governments, private sector, development partners, community and civic organisations in a more inclusive and cohesive manner than ever before. All sectors recognised that our survival as a Caribbean civilization depended on our capacity and determination to work together.
The 2021 iteration of the SDM Summit is positioned to fast-track the fruition of the Eastern Caribbean Economic Union through disruptions, solid innovations and agility thereby fostering exponential growth and inclusion for all. The main motivations of the SDM2021 is nestled in the agile manifesto which precludes:
- Meaningful partnerships over processes and tools
- Action and impact over comprehensive documentation
- Collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding change over sticking to the plan
For more information visit https://oecssdm.com/.
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