OECS Intellectual Property Online Forum: December 2, 9 and 16, 2016.
OECS Media Alert
The Competitive Business Unit (CBU) of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission, wishes to invite firms and individual entrepreneurs interested in participating in the OECS Intellectual Property Online Forum scheduled for December 2, 9 & 16, 2016.
Scope of the Programme
The OECS Intellectual Property Online Forum is a follow-up to the May 19 & 20, 2016 Regional Workshop held in St. John’s, Antigua.
The Online Forum is intended to serve as a platform for further discussion and for clarification on key issues related to Intellectual and Industrial Property. It is hoped that the Forum will stimulate additional discussions on many of the issues which still require further articulation by the facilitator.
The Online Forum will be held over three days with sessions to run on Friday 2nd, Friday 9th and Friday 16th December, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on each day.
The agenda for the programme includes:
Friday 2nd December
- Patent
- Registration of companies
- Trade mark and trade secrets
- Branding
Friday 9th December
- Copyright
- Licensing deals
- Branding
Friday 16th December
- General discussion on some of the cross-cutting issues on Intellectual and Industrial Property
Who should participate?
SMEs and individual entrepreneurs in the goods and creative industries sectors which are producing and exporting a competitive product or service and intend to use IP in adding value to their businesses or to enhance their trade and business competitiveness.
SMEs who participated in the Antigua workshop as well as those who were connected online during the forum are especially asked to participate in this series of exchanges on IP. Other SMEs who were not part of the May 2016 event are also encouraged to participate in the programme to help them better understand the importance of creating and managing their IP assets.
How to apply
Interested participants are expected to complete the on-line Registration Form to be submitted to the CBU as early as possible. Due to limited capacity for online connection, only a limited number of spaces will be available for participation. Selection of participants will therefore be done on a first come first serve basis. You are therefore encouraged to register early to ensure your space for these sessions.
For further information on the programme please contact:
Mr. Sobers Esprit, Business Development Officer – Creative Industries Sector Programme and/or Mr. Kwesi Roberts, Business Development Officer/Agri-business & Manufacturing, Cecilia St. Rose, Programme Assistant; Email: sesprit@oecs.org; kroberts@oecs.org Tel: (767) 448-2240