Obituary – Mr. Egbert Lionel (1946-2018), former Chief Liaison Officer
OECS Media Statement
The Eastern Caribbean Liaison Service (ECLS), regrets to announce the death of Mr. Egbert Lionel, a former Chief Liaison Officer. ‘Mr. Lionel’, as he was affectionately known to the Eastern Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers, passed away at his home in Saint Lucia, on 29th September 2018 at the age of 72.
Mr. Lionel was passionate in this service to the ECLS and in the promotion of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme as a viable source of employment for many OECS nationals - from 2002 to 2009. He was well loved and respected by the workers. To many of the workers he was not just the Chief Liaison Officer, but a father-figure, who gave guidance and counsel whenever they needed it.
We express our condolences to Mr. Lionel’s family at this time of sadness as they mourn his passing. We will remain in deep gratitude to him for his contribution to the development of the ECLS and the many workers of the Eastern Caribbean whose lives he touched during and after his tenure as the Chief Liaison Officer.
Mr. Lionel will be dearly missed by the staff of the ECLS. May his soul rest in eternal peace.