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Grenada Benefits from Integrated Biomedical Waste Management Training under the OECS Regional Health Project

Grenada Benefits from Integrated Biomedical Waste Management Training under the OECS Regional Health Project

Media Release courtesy CARPHA

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Religious Affairs in Grenada, conducted a training workshop on Integrated Biomedical Waste Management for managers and health administrators. This training was funded by the World Bank, under a Project entitled, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Regional Health Project.

The Project is focused on health system strengthening in the Region by supporting improvements in health facilities and laboratory capacities, strengthening public health surveillance and emergency management, institutional capacity building, project management and coordination, and contingency emergency response.

The workshop was held on January 11, 2023, in St. George’s, Grenada.  The aim was to enhance awareness and build capacity among key stakeholders in the health sector on the policies, procedures and practices regarding the safe handling and disposal of biomedical waste in health facilities. Fifty-four (54) representatives from Government Ministries, the Solid Waste Management Authority of Grenada and managers of local waste management companies are now better equipped to implement biomedical waste management practices. This translates to the implementation of strategies to ensure that health facilities are compliant and environmentally responsible, uphold environmental safety measures that protect both staff and patients, and improve operational efficiency and overall health.

Regional and international partners such as the OECS Commission, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the World Bank, also attended the workshop. It was facilitated under the technical guidance of Dr. Martin Forde, Consultant, Biomedical Waste Management.

At the conclusion of the workshop, participants were trained to:

  • explain the intent of the establishment of a biomedical waste management system
  • describe international regulations that govern the handling of biomedical waste 
  • understand the areas of biomedical waste management generation, segregation, storage and collection, transportation and treatment, and final disposal
  • identify approaches to waste minimisation
  • conduct a medical waste analysis


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Ms. Avril Isaac Communications Officer, Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)
OECS Communications Unit Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
Ms. Avril Isaac Communications Officer, Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)
OECS Communications Unit Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
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The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is an International Organisation dedicated to economic harmonisation and integration, protection of human and legal rights, and the encouragement of good governance among independent and non-independent countries in the Eastern Caribbean. The OECS came into being on June 18th 1981, when seven Eastern Caribbean countries signed a treaty agreeing to cooperate with each other while promoting unity and solidarity among its Members. The Treaty became known as the Treaty of Basseterre, so named in honour of the capital city of St. Kitts and Nevis where it was signed. The OECS today, currently has eleven members, spread across the Eastern Caribbean comprising Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and The Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Martinique and Guadeloupe. 

The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
Morne Fortune
Saint Lucia