ECSC launches Court-Connected Mediation Public Awareness Campaign in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

ECSC - an Institution of the OECS

The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC), with support from the Canadian funded Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project, launched a Mediation Public Awareness Campaign in St. Vincent and the Grenadines on Thursday 9th May 2019 at 10:00 am in the National Insurance Services Conference Room, Kingstown. The launch was held to communicate the contents of the year-long public awareness campaign with members of the public and the media.

The launch was attended by Her Ladyship, the Hon. Dame Janice M. Pereira, DBE, LL.D, Chief Justice, Her Ladyship the Hon. Justice Gertel Thom, Justice of Appeal and Chairman of the Judicial Education Institute, Judicial Officers of the St. Vincent and The Grenadines High Court, Honourable Jaundy Martin, Attorney General of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Honourable Dr. Goodwin Friday, Leader of the Opposition, Ms. Rene Baptiste CMG, Speaker of the OECS Assembly and President, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Bar Association, Mrs. Gloria Richards-Johnson, Executive Director, JURIST, Mr. John Furlonge, Regional Project Director, JURIST, Members of the National Mediation Committee, Mediators, Members of the Public and Private Bar, Senior Government Officials and members of the public.

The event gave the Honourable Chief Justice an opportunity to personally thank the Executive Director of the JURIST project for its continued support to the ECSC Court-Connected Mediation Programme and assured members of the legal fraternity present that mediation does not take the place of legal advice from a lawyer but that it may aid parties to identify the core issues in dispute and find mutually agreeable solutions which will allow for flexible solutions and settlement in a timely manner.

Her Ladyship also underscored other benefits of mediation to members of the audience attending the launch. Key among them was the fact that mediation is inexpensive relative to the cost of seeing a case through trial which is often an expensive and timely proposition. Moreover, mediation is a process by which parties in conflict are given an opportunity to resolve the issues amongst themselves outside of the formal court system and as a result settlements reached are more agreeable to both parties than court judgments.  Also stressed was the confidentiality of the mediation process. 

Some of the year-long activities that were shared by the Honourable Chief Justice included town hall meetings, panel discussions on the National Television Network, a College Open Day  to promote Mediation, among other activities. 

The key message of the public awareness campaign is to give focus to the benefits of court-connected mediation under the legislative framework of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Mediation through the High Court of St. Vincent and the Grenadines will  hopefully be the first step towards resolving disputes that arise during commercial transactions, in the community or in the workplace. 

Immediately after the launch, there was a cocktail reception where the appreciative and lively gathering took the opportunity to mingle and socialize with each other. 

Please stay tuned to our website and the media for further updates about the Court-Connected Mediation public awareness campaign.


About the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court:

The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC) was established in 1967 by the West Indies Associated States Supreme Court Order No. 223 of 1967. The ECSC is a superior court of record for the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), including six Independent States: Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines; and three British Overseas Territories: Anguilla, The Virgin Islands, and Montserrat. The Court has unlimited jurisdiction in each Member State and Territory.

To learn more about the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court please visit our website at: or call us at Tel: 758-457-3600.

Dwaymian M. Brissette

Information Services Manager, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

OECS Communications

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States


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About The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

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The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is an International Organisation dedicated to economic harmonisation and integration, protection of human and legal rights, and the encouragement of good governance among independent and non-independent countries in the Eastern Caribbean. The OECS came into being on June 18th 1981, when seven Eastern Caribbean countries signed a treaty agreeing to cooperate with each other while promoting unity and solidarity among its Members. The Treaty became known as the Treaty of Basseterre, so named in honour of the capital city of St. Kitts and Nevis where it was signed. The OECS today, currently has eleven members, spread across the Eastern Caribbean comprising Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and The Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Martinique and Guadeloupe. 


Morne Fortune Castries Saint Lucia
