Building Successful Coalition of Services Industries
OECS Trade Policy Unit holds one-day knowledge sharing workshop
The OECS Commission is working towards the establishment of a regional umbrella body to maximise networking opportunities for OECS services firms with Global Services Coalitions in an effort to achieve commercial growth opportunities and greater participation in policy formulation and reform.
The Commission, in partnership with the International Trade Centre (ITC), held a one day web conference on June 19th 2017 on “Building Successful Coalition of Services Industries: Best Practices, Information Exchange and Knowledge Sharing.”
The aim of the joint initiative, which featured presentations from the European Services Forum (ESF), the Indonesia Services Dialogue (ISD) and the Philippines Services Coalitions (PSC), was to provide an opportunity for established Coalitions of Services Industries and Services Policy Decision Makers within the OECS Economic Union to gain insight into the experiences and best practices of other International Services Coalition Bodies.
The meeting supports ongoing interventions of OECS Member States to build and maintain financially sustainable Coalitions that successfully promote common goals and policies for improving the national, regional and international business climate for OECS Services Entrepreneurs.